Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing courses in India

Reiki is a therapy that helps to facilitate the patient’s process of healing, in which a practitioner places hands lightly on or over a patient’s body. This healing process stimulates positive energy into your body and set mental peace by reducing anxiety and stress. For learning this art of healing, switch to one of the best practitioners and enhance your knowledge and in this aspect Healing Urja is one that stands above and offers the best Reiki healing courses in India.

Developed in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui, Reiki has been around for thousands of years. The practice spread to the U.S., Europe and many other parts of the globe. It is one of the most amazing healing systems, that helps in a quiet soothing way. Let us gather some more information about Reiki healing, below.

How does Reiki Healing work?

By channeling positive energy into your body the spiritual healing art of Reiki works. It offers a boost to the body when the Reiki masters and practitioners typically placing their hands on the affected areas.

It may bring a near-immediate sensation of relief that comes with this powerful flow of positive energy as it releases tension, lessens the impact of stress and replaces negative energy with the positive

How does Reiki work on stress symptoms?

Instead of headaches and angry outbursts, Reiki may potentially help you enjoy:

  • A boost to your body’s healing mechanism.
  • From the relaxation response, potentially reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones.
  • Boost up the immune system strength
  • Perfectly re-establishes the balance of your body, mind, and soul.

What happens in a Reiki session?

Using different hand shapes the practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the head, limbs, and torso , for between 2 and 5 minutes. Over 20 different areas of the body, the hands can be placed..

The transfer of energy takes place when the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body. During this time, the practitioner’s hands may be warm and tingling.

The practitioner may remove their hands when they feel that the heat, or energy, in their hands has abated, and may place them over a different area of the body.

Some Reiki techniques

  • centering
  • clearing
  • beaming
  • extracting harmful energies
  • infusing
  • smoothing and raking the aura

Health benefits

Reiki develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. People who receive Reiki describe it as “intensely relaxing.” And it helps people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing

Conditions that Reiki has been used to help treat include:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • chronic pain
  • infertility
  • neurodegenerative disorders
  • autism
  • Crohn’s disease
  • fatigue syndromes

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Healing Urja will provide you the best Reiki healing courses in India, that at optimum fee structure, under the guidance of well experienced and qualified practitioner Dr. Harleen. You can also get the Reiki healing courses online, and this will lead you towards the amazing career foundation, wit the knowledge in depth.